Better Quality in Product Data – the new E-com Product Data Standard from Fashion Cloud
To meet the new requirements of retailers for e-com ready product data, Europes leading B2B platform for content, Fashion Cloud, has developed a data standard with the help of BTE and EK/Euretco to support suppliers in the delivery of such data.
Nowadays, the relevance of webshops for retailers is out of the question: More than 17,000 retailers download product data provided by brands via Fashion Cloud’s B2B platform. 2,000 retailers also use the particularly efficient option of automatically integrating product data from brands into their webshops via Fashion Cloud.
What is striking is that the data quality of suppliers varies greatly and is in need of optimization in many cases, even though it is crucial for a successful webshop on a retailer’s website. Many retailers are looking for meaningful product images and relevant product data, which ideally are the same across various brands.In order to show brands as well as retailers the current requirements for e-com-ready product data and to support them in this new challenge, Fashion Cloud has developed an e-com data standard, with the support of BTE and EK/Euretco, based on retailers’ needs.
“We welcome Fashion Cloud’s effort to provide guidance to the industry, as we also see the need for such guidelines.”, says Jan Bongers (Director, EK/Euretco). Fashion Cloud’s e-com data standard consists of mandatory attributes expected by retailers, such as season, gender, material and care instructions. These are accompanied by optional attributes that help e-com retailers to showcase articles in the best possible way. These include, for example, sustainability certificates, country of origin or the exact measurements.
Brands such as S.Oliver, Monari, Falke as well as the brands of the Bestseller Group meet this standard already. Alies ter Kuile, co-founder of Fashion Cloud, states: “We appeal to every supplier to follow this standard and will work in the coming weeks as well as months to support more brands in meeting these guidelines.”
Hamburg & Amsterdam, 25.01.22