Partnership between FASHION CLOUD and ECC
FASHION CLOUD and the European Clearing Center (ECC) are partners. From the middle of the year onwards, users can benefit from additional content.
In 2015, the startup is growing and growing. Within two years, the Hamburg-based company was able to win over more than 200 fashion brands. With the industry clearing center ECC, FASHION CLOUD now has a partner with a potential of more than 300 suppliers at its side. The ECC is a data distribution centre for the shoe industry and has relationships with shoe suppliers.
“With the ECC, we have gained a strong partner who is perfectly familiar with product data. In addition, we are linking together what belongs together: textiles and shoes. Both dealers and suppliers will benefit from our cooperation”- René Schnellen, Managing Director of FASHION CLOUD GmbH.
“We have the technical network and the necessary electronic messages to help FASHION CLOUD reach the next level of market penetration. FASHION CLOUD offers a service that is urgently needed in the textile and shoe industry. Especially interesting for the industry will be the function of the ‘extended counter’. With this function the retailer gets information about the article availability of his supplier and can order articles, which are currently not in stock with him, at short notice electronically for his customers”- Jörg Frommann, Managing Director of the European Clearing Centre.
The advantages for retailers are obvious: with just a few clicks, retailers get high-quality product images, article descriptions, campaign shoots, logos and sometimes even videos that they can use for their own marketing purposes and the online shop or website. The ECC extends the service of the portal: In the future, content will be available where it is expected without manual intervention, e.g. in the online shop, the customer information system or in the system for digital signage. Of course, suppliers as well as retailers also benefit from a uniform and high-quality presentation of their own products and brands. In addition, the distribution of marketing material increases significantly if it is available to retailers via FASHION CLOUD.
“FASHION CLOUD is the platform the industry has been waiting for for a long time. It is independent of association groups and offers a wealth of marketing information that no other provider has in its portfolio. FASHION CLOUD still has a lot of potential, which we will gladly tap together”, so the two cooperation partners.
Hamburg, 06.02.2017